March 3, 2011

Daily Colbert 2010

Daily Colbert lopo

01/19'10 Trijicon's "Jesus rifles" ... (Lebe lieber oberflächlich!)
01/20'10 Speedskating for Vancouver (Olympic Games) against the champ (Shani Davis)
01/21'10 John Farmer on the responsiveness of the national command structure on "9/11"

02/08'10 "Boom! Boom! Boom! And the nailing kept on coming ...
The blogochatosphere. This fleshy thing. Sarah Palin is a fucking retard."
02/08'10 Jonathan Safran Foer – Eating Animals: U.S. farm system perfectly antithetical to American values.
"We eat tortured flesh."
02/11'10 Homoerotic use of male imagery

03/02'10 Kwedit: Play now. Pay later. "We laughed our tailfeathers off."
"Folks, I think Kwedit could be the next economic bubble. Because instead of relying on adults to spend money they don't have on things they don't need, now we'll have kids spending money on things that don't exist."

03/03'10 Jim Bunning ends filibuster:
"It's hard to be universally reviled as a half-witted, egomaniacal sociopath, but doing the right thing is never easy.
What if Rosa Parks had said: 'Ey you know what, the back of the bus is fine?' What if Neil Armstrong had said: 'The ladder is close enough?' What if Ghandi had said: 'Fuck it, I'm gettin' a Meat Lovers Pizza?'
There's nothing, nothing to believe in anymore – I just don't even see the use of going on."

03/03'10 Lloyd Blankfein – Goldman Sachs: "Doing God's work."
"One thing I feel great about, folks, is the self-destruction of Europe. See, for years, the European Union has been luring their precious Euro over our Dollar just because it still 'has value'. [...] they're pointing their fingers at benevolent cleptogarchy Goldman Sachs just because in 2001 Goldman helped hide billions in Greek debt which was 'key to Greece joining the Euro'. [...] I am just so damn proud that an American company is the one flushing Europe down what passes for a toilet over there. Even I've had never understand how they did it."

03/03'10 Gary Wills – Bomb Power

03/08'10 Tom Hanks – "History Maker", Papist
Tom Hanks and the Borg Agenda)
"The plot of the movie Angels and Demons centers around a young Irish priest dressed in a black cassack – giving the appearance that he is a Jesuit, the 'Demon' of the movie. Priest Patrick McKenna the Illuminatus, holding the office of 'Camerlengo', officiates on behalf of murdered Pope Pius XVI, secretly the biological father of McKenna who in fact poisoned his father, the pope. Escaping to reality, the Camerlengo must always be a Cardinal: He oversees the administration of the properties and revenues of the pope's International Vatican Empire – in other words, the Camerlengo is an agent of the Jesuit Superior General because these properties and revenues belong to the Society of Jesus alone!
So the young, Jesuit Camerlengo dressed in black (the Demon), while instructing the red-dressed Cardinals in Conclave deliberating over the election of a new pope (the Angels), must be very entertaining to the top Illuminati Jesuits overseeing the Vatican from Borgo Santo Spirito, their military headquarters in Rome. (Yes, the Jesuit Order is 'the Borg' of Star Trek!)"

"If we know true history, we will know who rules today."

Greg) "When you read some of these encyclicals, you'll understand why people like Ron Howard, Tom Hanks, Madonna, Bono, a number of these people, are no more different than what my guest the other day said about Mozart, how Mozart really didn't write all of those concertos, and how the Vatican was behind it. How the Jesuits were behind it to create an idol man, to create nothing more than idolatry in the music business.
It's a great story, go read it. Eric, how are you today?"
Eric) "The Beatles, too. You're absolutely right on, Greg, and I first discovered this in a tremendous work called Power and Secret of the Jesuits by Rene Fulop-Miller. It was written in the 30s, and he showed in there how the Jesuits were in control of the theatre, especially in Austria, and that they were bossom friends with Mozart, and that Mozart used to compose for them, and one of his compositions was The Magic Flute. That was composed for freemasonry, so Mozart himself was a Freemason, so you have the Jesuit Freemasonic connection in Mozart."

03/09'10 Annie Leonard – The Story of Stuff. Story of Stuff, The Critique
03/11'10 "I love Karl Rove." Courage and Consequence
03/15'10 Robert Baer – Georgetown SJ, CIA, self-declared "major critic"
03/18'10 Glenn Beck's attack, the plus sign and James Martin SJ: "The Jesuit Guide To (Almost) Everything"

"That is journalism I can get behind."

04/12'10 WikiLeaks – the "Squeal-stapo", Julian Assange himself

"Wow, that is the first time I have seen Colbert do an interview where he didn't just get really into character and fuck with the guest. Probably the first interview I've seen that was worth watching." (fireburt)
"It was the most sobering interview that I have ever seen Stephen do.
It was done well and was much food for deep thought."
Robyn Witt)
"Stephen did an amazing job interviewing this guy, far better than anything I've seen on those 'real' news programs. This, right here, is why we need Jon and Stephen. They have the balls to tell it how it is because they're 'not real news anchors' so there's no fear of retribution.
America is a better place because of their de facto policing of morons like this. Never stop, Stephen!"

Assange) "Free speech is what regulates government and regulates law. That is why in the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights says that Congress is to make no such law abridging freedom of the press. It is to take the rights of the press outside the rights of the law, because those rights are superior to the law, because they, in fact, create the law.
Every constitution, every piece of legislation, is derived from the flow of information.
Similarly, every governments is elected as a result of people understanding things."

Colbert) "Governments are elected based upon what people know about the politicians. Or what they know about what the government does. If we don't know what the government is doing, we can't be sad about it.
Why are you trying to make me sad?
Because you are: You're trying to bum us out about the world, aren't you?
All these terrible things happen behind closed doors and you've decided that I need to know about it?"
Assange) That's just an interim state, Stephen, you'll be happier later on.
Colbert) I doubt it. I will be angrier later on.
Now, let's talk about this footage that has gotten you so much attention recently ...

Colbert) And you have edited this tape. And you have given it a title called 'Collateral Murder'.
That's not leaking. That's a pure editorial.
Assange) So, the promise we make to our sources is that not only will we defend them through every means we have available, technologically, and legally, and politically, but we will try and get the maximum possible political impact for the material that they give to us, and ...
Colbert) So 'Collateral Murder' is to get political impact?
Assange) Yes, absolutely. And the material – our promise to the public is that we will release the full source material. So, if people have a different opinion, the full material is there for them to analyze and assess.
Colbert) Well, actually, then, I admire that. I admire someone who is willing to put 'Collateral Murder' on the first thing people see, knowing that they probably won't look at the rest of it. That way, you properly manipulated the audience into the emotional state you want before something goes on the air.
'Cuz that is an emotional manipulation: 'What you're about to see is collateral murder. Now, look at this completely "objective" piece of footage that you're about to show.' That is journalism I can get behind.
Assange) That is true: Only one in ten people did actually look at the full footage. However ...
Colbert) So that's 90 percent of the people accept the definition of 'Collateral Murder'.
Assange) Yes. And ...
Colbert) Congratulations.
Assange) Thank you.

Colbert) Do you believe it was collateral murder?
Assange) Yes.
Colbert) You do?
Assange) Absolutely.
Colbert) Did you make get that call? Did you put the words 'collateral murder' up?
Assange) Yes.
Colbert) You did?
Assange) That was our fault.
Colbert) Really? I want the Pentagon to know that he is actually not in my studio right now.
He is thousands miles away via satellite.
How can you call that collateral murder? What branch of the service did you serve in, sir, huh?
Assange) Well, I'm an Australian, actually.
Colbert) So what branch of the barbie did you throw your shrimp on?

Colbert) What is the purpose of letting the public know? It's like you're saying it is better to know than not to know. Have you not heard 'ignorance is bliss'?
Assange) All too frequently.
Colbert) Aren't you stuck in a bit of a bine?
You got a lot of attention for showing death. Do you have another video showing death?
I understand you have a video of a tanker being attacked in Afghanistan. How many people die in that one?
Assange) The military says 97.
Colbert) 97, okay. Don't you kind of get caught in sort of the 24 trap which is you got to make every single episode about violence and death or else no one's gonna watch anymore?
Assange) Just as long as we don't have to increase the numbers every episode, I'd be happy, Stephen."

Hoover Institution boy and agent Henderson:
"Some lines Colbert used that are obviously setups to make Assange look good, not bad."

WikiLeaks and Defining 'Journalism' (September 3rd)

goodsensecynic) "Why do people take Beck seriously, while they regard Colbert as entertainment? The answer is simplicity itself! Beck takes himself seriously, and fulminates at will about his paranoid delusions. Most people who watch him are similarly delusional, some watch in order to mock him. Colbert also takes himself seriously – but as a satirist. His project involves mocking the likes of Beck. Most people watch him to see him 'send up' the ridiculous, religious, right-wing ranters, some (like the dolts who invited him to perform before ex-president Bush II), are just too dumb to know that the joke is on them. Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe Beck is a self-satirist (in which case he is brilliant). Or, maybe he's just making pots of money by cashing in on H.K. Mencken's ancient dictum: 'Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.'"

09/04'10 Es gibt keine Journalisten, nur Politiker. Und der Glaube-Liebe-Tod-Tatort von Michi Riebl hatte Kinoqualität. Ich finde ihn um Klassen besser als die Scientology-Schmonzette von Niki Stein.
09/07'10 Vielleicht haben Sie etwas anderes besser verstanden, verehrte Frau Ex-Spitzenfunktionärin: Was ist dieser Glenn Beck oder besser sind diese Fox-News-Clowns vom Schlage Hannity, O'Reilly, Carlson und wie sie alle heißen Ihrer geschätzten Meinung nach? Journalisten oder Politiker?
Was sind Ulrich Wilhelm und Steffen Seibert?

Für Berufsjournalisten ist alles, was sie veranstalten, schlicht Business. In dem Sinne, dass Journalisten eine Art "vierte Gewalt" darstellen, die "demokratische Verhältnisse" garantieren würden, gibt es im Grunde genommen keine. Es mag Journalisten geben, wie es in Ostdeutschland Journalisten gegeben hat, aber mehr auch nicht.

Nichts wird durch das Schlaglicht, das der Doppelschlag der Life-Pulverisierung von Bürohochhäusern zur Jahrtausendwende auf die solidaristisch verfassten westlichen Staatsgemeinden wirft, kontrastreicher ins Bild gesetzt als genau diese Tatsache und folgender Zusammenhang.
Wo es keinen Journalismus gibt, gibt es auch keine Verständigung. Weder innerhalb von Meinungs(haupt)strömen noch dazwischen. Nirgends. Einfach deshalb, weil es dann nur Prediger gibt.
Ich meine, wenn selbst unabhängige "Blogger" (scheußliches Wort) versuchen, ihren Glauben und ganz persönlichen Memestream durch Zensur abzuschotten ...

[Danke für die Bestätigung – wer auch immer hier herumadministriert in seiner "majestätischen Weisheit".
Und? Wie fühlt sich das an, unangenehme Kommentare in den Skat zu drücken? Als hätte das Thema nichts mit King und seiner Ermordung zu tun bzw. mit Käßmann und ihrer spirituell-politischen Ausschaltung ...
Aber was will man von grundsätzlich Gläubigen, existenziell Gläubigen, von nichts anderem als Hoffnung getriebenen, amtlich vergatterten Geisteskriegern, wie es alle Christianisierten sind, auch anderes erwarten als Heuchelei, nicht wahr?
Und jetzt brav die Hände zum Gebet gefaltet und dem Kurztrip in die Ewigkeit der "Übernatur" ein pharaoeskes "Amen" hinterhergehaucht. Genau so sieht die Realität nämlich aus: konzertierter Schwachsinn, nonstop.
("This is my perspective on this subject. I apologize if I am wrong. God will judge them if I am right." shaunaci)
Ich fasse es nicht, Beck überhaupt eines Kommentars gewürdigt zu haben! Bye bye.]

04/14'10 David Shields – The book is Reality Hunger

Shields) "And you, Mr. Colbert, your persona is derived directly from your Fox News counterpart. All art is theft.
Colbert) Sir, I would disagree with you but a) I don't know what the word 'persona' means and b) if you're saying that I have achieved anything like the greatness of my friends Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, well, then I am flattered, but every single word on my show – except for the video that we steal from other people – every single word on my show is created by me and then when the show is over my writers write down what I said."

04/19'10 "Risqué investments are like risqué sex, it's more exciting. If you make the banks wear a condom they won't be able to feel it when they are fucking us over."

Truly a man of his convictions. Once you tell him what they are. The original too-big-to-fail firm
Why are government employees filing a civil suit against Goldman Sachs? That's just gonna be embarrassing in a few years when they'll all go back to work at Goldman Sachs.
"A great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity." Wrong, Matt.
Goldman is not a vampire. It also feeds during the day.
Ali Velshi, CNN's business reporter from our raceless, hairless future explains.

"What's the problem? There is nothing illegal about selling costumers a product designed to fail.
The Chicago Cubs do it every year. Are they going to jail? No, I do not think that they are.
Anyway, here is how it allegedly worked. Allegedly.
An independent hedge fund manager named John Paulson created an investment made up of mortgage bonds he believed would fail. Goldman agreed to sell this to investors, like German banks and pension funds, without telling them it was crap. Meanwhile, Goldman bought insurance betting against the bonds, and when they failed, like they knew it would, Goldman and Paulson cashed in and then celebrated by stepping on a baby's throat.
It's okay. They also took out insurance on the baby. [...]
Even better: It was one guy and it was everybody. How many explanations do they need?
Here to tell me how many explanations they need is New York Times financial columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin."

09/16'10 March to Keep Fear Alive announcement – Freaking out for Freedom: the fear industrial complex
"It's just plain rude. If you take the Big Bang away from God, what does he have left?
Oh, he burned a bush and got a girl pregnant. Great! He's a high school junior."
vzon17) "Yes, Big Bang and God do go hand in hand.
They both promote the idea to "create" something from nothing.

Those laws of physics you quote always have exceptions to them. Perpetual motion is useless except as a novelty. However, free energy is quite useful and available.
Let go of all that bull they taught us in school and college, because it is mostly false and deliberately designed to keep us in ignorance so we keep paying for our electricity like good little sunday school boys."
"I will not take it down a notch," Colbert declared in response to Stewart. "I will notch it up a scotch!"
09/28'10 chosen by a higher power